Medieval Day at Reynolds

Presenter Jayne Harding

Jayne Harding is originally from Indiana, but has lived in Virginia since the 1980s, mostly in the Fredericksburg area. She worked for some years for the APVA as a Museum Administrator and then earned an MA in English and returned to teaching. Her teaching experience in Richmond has included two years at Virginia Commonwealth University where she taught Research-Writing classes, and five years at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College where she currently teaches composition and literature classes.


The Presentation

The subject of Ms. Harding's presentation is Bisclavret, which is one of the twelfth-century Breton Lais (short tales) authored by Marie de France, an English, secular writer who was very successful in her time. The presentation is based on Ms. Harding's conference paper on the subject of Bisclavret titled "Bridging the Gap Between Nature and Christianity: the Forest, the Chapel and the Werewolf."

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